Contact Us.
Would you like to see if you Qualify for Financing?
For the Pads… See if your Business Qualifies for 90-days, No payment on approved credit.
For the Bed… See if your Business Qualifies for $199 down and $199 a month for the first year on approved credit.
Please contact us so we can assist you in getting started with Essential Light Therapy as soon as possible.
Whether you are an Individual seeking Inch Loss, you have a Spa & Wellness Center, or you are a practicing Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, or Massage Therapists… Essential Light Therapy’s Innovative "high-Intensity" powered emission of red and near-infrared wavelengths are proven to not only help rid the body of fat cells, but also helps to stimulate collagen and elastin formation, tightening the skin, and diminishing the presence of fine lines and wrinkles.
Red Light Therapy is a therapeutic technology that uses red and near infrared wavelengths of light to naturally stimulate the body (at the cellular level) to produce more ATP (energy). This increased production is a significant component of cellular regeneration which is responsible for improving and boosting new cell growth. It’s been proven that this biochemical reaction results in a multitude of health benefits. These include weight loss and improved cellulite reduction, as well as enhanced whole body healing capabilities, and anti-aging effects.
It also comes with Body Composition Analyzer, Pure Wave Massager, whole body vibration, and Welcome Marketing Kit… many of our practitioners see back their return on investment very quickly.
Please ask for Pricing and any discounts.
We are also including, for qualified buyers, a highly effective Facebook Marketing kick off program for qualifying zip codes for 1 month. (Let me know the zip code you would be operating in.)
We work with two finance companies for businesses.
I Look forward to speaking with you soon!
Cydney Buckman
Light Therapy Consultant
(206) 450-4141 (pst) 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Please fill out this form or schedule a call today!
Thank you.
Are you ready to get in the best shape of your life?

Regarding Inch Loss Disclaimer:
Our Alternative to Liposuction’s “Essential Light Therapy” is not intended for use in the diagnosis of any disease or any other condition or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, and is not intended to affect the structure or function of the body. This program is cosmetic in nature and does not claim to impart any health benefits. The statements on this web site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This treatment is non-invasive. During treatment there should be no discomfort. The client may feel the warmth of the light. Essential Light Therapy Beds & Pad Units are suitable for anyone over 18 who does not have any of the following issues: Pregnancy, Breast Feeding, Recent Cancer, Heart Disease, Pacemaker or Metal Pins or Plates.
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