Whether You are a Chiropractor, an Acupuncturist, Massage Therapist or own a Spa and Wellness Center
You want to Easily Generate $10K
plus Monthly to Your Practice.
You want this for your Personal Use,
from the Comfort of Your Own Home;
You (or Your Clients)
Want to Lose inches in less than 3 weeks…
Then this is for You.
Chiropractor or Spa Owners...
Generate $10K plus Monthly to Your Practice…
Your Clients can Lose inches in less than 3 weeks!
Personal Use...
from the Comfort of Your Own Home...
You want to Lose inches in less than 3 weeks!
Melt that Fat Away…
Lose Weight without Dieting!
- No Pain;
- No Surgery;
- No Downtime;
- No Bruising;
- No Swelling; and
- Zero Side-Effects.
The Best Alternative to Liposuction.
Essential Light Therapy is 100% NON Invasive
Has NO side-effects.
- Slenderizing Technology;
- Wash Away Fat;
- Increased Effectiveness;
- Greater Efficiency;
- More Flexible Pads;
- User-Friendly;
- Quicker Appointments; and
- Easy to Clean.
(See Regarding Inch Loss Disclaimer Below.)
OR try the Bed...
Contact to See if Your business Qualifies for Financing and to Learn More:
Please fill out this form, so we may assist you ASAP!
Thank you.
And let us know if
You Would you like to see if your business Qualifies for Financing.

Cydney Buckman
Light Therapy Consultant
(206) 450-4141 (pst) 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Email: cydneybuckman@icloud.com
Website: https://essentialbodysculpting.com

Regarding Inch Loss Disclaimer…
Our Alternative to Liposuction’s “Essential Light Therapy” is not intended for use in the diagnosis of any disease or any other condition or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, and is not intended to affect the structure or function of the body. This program is cosmetic in nature and does not claim to impart any health benefits. The statements on this web site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This treatment is non-invasive. During treatment there should be no discomfort. The client may feel the warmth of the light. Essential Light Therapy Beds & Pad Units are suitable for anyone over 18 who does not have any of the following issues: Pregnancy, Breast Feeding, Recent Cancer, Heart Disease, Pacemaker or Metal Pins or Plates.
© 2023 Essential Body Sculpting, All Rights Reserved.