What is the Essential Non-Surgical Face Lift?
Let your Clients recapture their glow and appearance.
Clients that use the Essential Non-Surgical Face Lift, which is 100% Non-Invasive, receive these amazing benefits:
- Reduces the visible appearance of wrinkles.
- Reduces the visible appearance of fine lines.
- Restores lost facial volume and firmness, especially around the eyes.
- Reduces the fat and sagging skin underneath the chin.
- Eliminates skin damage, due to the sun.
The most abundant protein in our bodies is Collagen, especially type-1 collagen.
It’s found in muscles, tendons, bones, skin, blood vessels, and our digestive system.
Along with replacing dead skin cells, Collagen is what helps give our skin strength and elasticity.
When it comes to our joints and tendons, it’s the “glue” that helps hold our bodies together.
Results Are Typical…
You and Your Friends will see Noticeable Results!
Who wants to grow old?
The face shows the effects of aging more than anywhere else on the body.
However, many people don’t want to experience the pain, recovery, and the risk of complications associated with surgical face lifts.
Now with Essential Non-Surgical Face Lift treatments, we can effectively reverse the signs of aging without surgery.
Look at this List of Essential Non-Surgical Face Lift Benefits:
- It is safe;
- Effective;
- Painless;
- Non-invasive (100%);
- Non-surgical;
- Requires no recovery time;
- Delivers natural-looking results;
- Works on all skin tones;
- Clients typically require 8-12 Thirty-minute treatments, two treatments per week; and
- It costs between $100 and $200 a visit.
This is 72 year old Mattie took these pics with about four sessions in two weeks…
Mattie does not know how to photoshop, but her daughter set her up with an App to set the pics side-by-side.
And yes, I did receive permission to use Mattie’s pics!

Regarding Inch Loss Disclaimer:
Our Alternative to Liposuction’s “Essential Light Therapy” is not intended for use in the diagnosis of any disease or any other condition or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, and is not intended to affect the structure or function of the body. This program is cosmetic in nature and does not claim to impart any health benefits. The statements on this web site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This treatment is non-invasive. During treatment there should be no discomfort. The client may feel the warmth of the light. Essential Light Therapy Beds & Pad Units are suitable for anyone over 18 who does not have any of the following issues: Pregnancy, Breast Feeding, Recent Cancer, Heart Disease, Pacemaker or Metal Pins or Plates.
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